Crown Court under United Kingdom's Law - GOPALCPAUL


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26 March 2020

Crown Court under United Kingdom's Law

-:Crown Court:-
          This is the pure criminal court in the United Kingdom. It was established on the recommendation of the Royal commission on Assizes and Quarter sessions by the Court Act of 1971. According to jurist this Act brought about revolutionary changes in the court system of UK.
For more serious crimes which cannot be heard without a jury, there is now another court in England which is called crown court. The composition and the jurisdiction of the court is now contained in the Supreme Court Act, 1981.

Composition of the court:-
        There are four different types of such courts depending on the nature of composition--
(1) Court which try offences triable by a High Court Judge e.g. offences of grave nature e.g. murder.
(2) Courts which try offences which are triable by a High Court pourp Judge are tried by a circuit judge or a recorder. This court tries offences like bodily harm grievous hurt.
(3) Courts which try offences which may by tried by either of the above mentioned judges.
(4) Courts which deal with offences which can be tried by circuit judges.

Qualification to be a judge:-
1)So, the crown court is basically there tiers of judiciary. At the highest level are the High Court Judges; below the High Court
Judges are the circuit judges and recorders.
2)To be a judge of the Crown Court one should be a barrister of 10 years of standing, and to be a recorder a solicitor of 7 years of standing. 
3)In very rare cases even the stipendiary professional magistrates
may also sit as a judge of the crown court especially when the presence of the magistrate was deemed necessary for the ends of justice.
4)In England there are about 90 crown courts. All the big cities
These courts hear annually 90,000

Jurisdiction of the Court:-
(1) To try punishable crime.
(2) To try offences which the magistrate court has ha concurrent jurisdiction but has sent to it for trial.
(3)To hear appeals from the decision of the Magistrates' Court. Thus, it exercises both original and appellate jurisdiction.